Neeti Sivakumar


Portfolio website for architecture studio

Tools: Webflow, Figma, Adobe Creative Suite
Diagrammar is an architecture firm based in Chennai, India. The studio required a portfolio website of their range of services from architecture and interior design to visual design.

Screenshots: Landing screen; Project List

Design: The wireframe showcases the range of services offered through a quick walkthrough seen on the landing page. This offers walk-in clients the chance to glance at existing work provided by the studio. Alternatively, an in-depth range can be previewed within the archive of work.

The colour palette leans on the existing brand language of the firm. The design uses the Montserrat family to create a heirarchy in terms of the range of information about each work and red as a hover animation for contrast.

Screenshot: Final wireframe of website design

Screenshots: Style guide development

Screenshots: Project details template